Using the hexcode for a dash works, \x2d. I’ve found example configurations that try to use the hexcodes for a space, such as \x20. Matching spaces would be handy for matching within the OSPF database, EIGRP topology, or the BGP neighbor information. SecureCRT does not support using spaces in regular expressions. The regular expressions are based on syntax used with Python. I thing turn these white or the default text color. – Added regular expressions to match unwanted, partial matches. I was tired of seeing “notconnect” and “notifications” in red.

It also allows me to override the greedy “(not(.*)?” regular expression. This is to allow the global configuration prompt to display “config” in yellow.

While I was at it, I added VOIP phone and access point device IDs that are displayed in the output of “show cdp neighbors”.
If I didn’t, one of the Time regular expressions would match part of the MAC address turning that part grey and one of the RT/RD regular expressions would match another part of the same MAC address turning that part blue. – Added MAC addresses to the Time regular expression line. If you use other characters in your hostname, you’ll have to make the appropriate changes. – Changed the Privileged EXEC prompt regular expression to match anything with A-Z, a-z, 0-9,a dash, underscore, forward slash, or colon. – Reduced the interface regular expressions to two lines (my personal list had grown to 14 lines). – Match switch stack switch/slot/port interfaces, router slot/subslot/port interfaces, FEX chassis_id/slot/port interfaces, breakout cable chassis_id/slot/port/breakout_port interfaces, and XR rack/slot/module/port interfaces. – Match Hundred, Forty, TwentyFive, and Ten GigabitEthernet interfaces. Otherwise, the fix would be to use a separate. If you are not working with 元VPNs, you can delete that regular expression and modify the Time regular expression to match the ASA’s format. They end up partially matching the RT / RD regular expression. Matching the output of “show logging” needs more work. I’ve updated the regular expressions to include:

But I’ve found it’s easier and quicker to search through the backed up device configurations and address the issue all at once.
I have temporarily added entries to look for configuration problems in the past, such as allowing telnet, using password 7 hashes, or SNMPv1 read/write strings. It’s easy to over highlight and ruin the entire point of it. I find that doing so causes the output of “show logging” to be over highlighted with different colors making it hard to read. I don’t specifically try to match the configuration. I’ve focused on highlighting the output of show commands, but not “show run”.
This is an update to my previous post on syntax highlighting in SecureCRT.